Life has a way of continually coming at me. My life and the cottage can be like a well-loved paintbox, spilling over and messy. It’s easy to become overwhelmed, or frustrated by so many things that don’t seem to get completed.

Living in what seems like a never ending five year plan renovation reminds me weekly if I don’t carefully set outcomes, I can make every day miserable and too hard on me. While Redbird Cottage brings me joy, making it ours has been and is still a long DIY process.

My dear friend Virginia Turner Smith taught me that the best way to make continual progress you feel great about is to reward 15 minutes consistent effort removed from measuring success. You set the goal, put in the time focused, then celebrate. Work on noticing the lovely… creating it in our homes.
celebrate keeping your word to yourself.
celebrate the focused effort
celebrate progress.
The last decade has brought many overwhelming life situations. Emptying parents’ homes, emptying a family warehouse, moving across country, selling three homes and moving across state lines… well you get the point. Each job seemed very overwhelming but ultimately had to be done and my name was attached to the chores.

#15minutemiracles work. Our chemistry changes when we learn the habit of celebrating and that alone is worth the effort of changing perspectives to doable.
In my Gathering the Girls encouragement group we share time together doing #15minutemiracles Mondays every week and #15MinuteMiracles throughout the week.. It’s a Christian encouragement gathering place. I love seeing pictures and comments as we do hard things.I love seeing hearts apply the same time to self-nurture and care.